About our Webhosting

Your personal control panel is specially designed for Inteligon’s products. This allows you to manage your websites, your emails, and even your domains with simple tools. With high quality and powerful infrastructure, we can offer the best possible services. Our unlimited web hosting has been designed from the ground up to provide consistent, leading-edge performance.

Web hosting with unlimited storage, unlimited bandwidth, free SSL certificates, and hourly to daily backups included free of charge.

Select a tab below to find out more!

Avoiding Blackisting – Blacklisted IP addresses on web hosting is the number one cause for mail delivery issues and is a common problem for most hosting providers.

MailChannels – We use MailChannels Cloud so that all outbound mail is relayed through a distributed network of IP addresses dedicated to delivering your mail. This guarantees that your E-Mails will not be blacklisted due to other clients on the same server structure.

DDoS Protection – Enterprise-grade, always on DDoS protection ensures your sites remain online.

Antivirus – Our antivirus detects and blocks viruses, malware, spyware, redirects and symlinks in real-time with unbeatable accuracy.

Auto-Clean Technology – Our malware and antivirus protection will ‘cloud repair’ any files which are infected via our ‘analysis cloud’ platform. Files are automatically cleaned, and replaced to avoid outages and downtime caused by malware.

Firewall – Our firewall has been designed to automatically identify and block all network, application and protocol layer attacks launched at websites and applications hosted on our platform.

CMS Brute Force Protection – Our intelligent security suite protects from large scale brute force attacks from taking down your site. An essential security feature that monitors and controls distributed attacks before they affect you.

ModSecurity – Industry leading ModSecurity rules by ‘Malware Expert’ have been expertly carved to provide intelligent, real-time protection from application layer attacks against your sites. ModSecurity helps protect your site from SQL injections, XSS, local and remote include attacks, upload vulnerabilities and more.

Protect your WordPress, Joomla and Drupal website from attacks and vulnerabilities automatically, without the need for 3rd party plugins or addons.

High-Availability Clusters – Our high availability CPanel cluster offers a 100% uptime SLA and handles through load balancers a consistant uptime of your site even during server maintainances.

100% Network Uptime – Our core London Data Centre network consists of the highest quality Tier-1 providers. Including NTT, Telia, GTT, TATA, Cogent and over 400 IX peers ensuring our network remains online 100% of the time.

DDoS Protection – All our servers are protected from up to 1TB of DDoS attacks utilising a combination of Corero’s Smartwall technology and our cloud mitigation facilities.

Bolt-Cache – Our unique ‘Bolt-Cache’ plugin is a powerful in-house built caching solution based on NGINX, making some of the world’s most powerful caching methods accessible at the click of a button. We believe its the fastest way to serve your sites, period.

Full Page Caching from Memory – Serve your site’s dynamic content via static HTML caches, stored in memory for leading-edge performance. Full support for WordPress, Joomla, WooCommerce, and more.

Our full-page caching has been benchmarked to outperform LS Cache by 43%

NGINX Proxy Caching – Our proxy caching offers full compatibility with any application, due to full .htaccess support. Proxy caching ensures your static resources are served by NGINX for light speed performance.

Softaculous – is the leading Auto Installer for cPanel, with more than 450 scripts.

WordPress Tools – Softaculous provides some incredible features for WordPress developers and designers, such as…

  • Site Staging
  • Site Cloning
  • Plugin Management
  • Theme Management
  • One-Click Login
  • Multi-Site Management
  • Plus many more!

Unlimited Webhosting




CHF Monthly

5 GB SSD Storage

Unlimited Bandwidth

2 CPU Core / 2GB RAM / 30 EP

Free Daily Backups

Install over 450 Apps with 1-Click

WordPress Optimised:


Staging clones

Preview URL

Free SSL Certificates

Free Site Builder

DDoS Protection

Samsung SSD Storage

MailChannels Email Relay

24/7 Technical Support




CHF Monthly

10 GB SSD Storage

Unlimited Bandwidth

2 CPU Core / 2GB RAM / 30 EP

Free Daily Backups

Install over 450 Apps with 1-Click

WordPress Optimised:


Staging clones

Preview URL

Free SSL Certificates

Free Site Builder

DDoS Protection

Samsung SSD Storage

MailChannels Email Relay

24/7 Technical Support




CHF Monthly

Unlimited SSD Storage

Unlimited Bandwidth

2 CPU Core / 2GB RAM / 30 EP

Free Daily Backups

Install over 450 Apps with 1-Click

WordPress Optimised:


Staging clones

Preview URL

Free SSL Certificates

Free Site Builder

DDoS Protection

Samsung SSD Storage

MailChannels Email Relay

24/7 Premium Technical Support